Whether it is cold out there or working at a laboratory, you need to cover your hands so that the glow and charm of your hand skin remain unchanged and unharmed. Medical gloves or the other factory gloves are really important to save yourself from acid and other chemicals to save your hands. If you are Looking for gloves singapore, then you are in the right place. 

Be careful with the Glove selection

It is recommended to choose the gloves according to the working environment. It is unnecessary to buy gloves for furniture cutting as same as a chemical laboratory requires you to wear. They should be of better grabbing capacity and not cause any irritation in the skin and sweat. 

Glove material and its uses

  • Butyl: offers resistance to water vapor and gases.
  • Neoprene: offers a valuable resistance to acids, chemicals, and oils.
  • PVC: resistant to petroleum products.
  • PVA: you need to be careful while wearing them because they are not suitable for water-based solutions.
  • Silver shield: They are highly resistant to every chemical and water-based solutions.

Gloves are the best resistants to every chemical and save yourself from getting into any trouble.

It is advised to use gloves with more friction and made up of rubber.